A Portrait of Keiichi Tanaami
As the title implies, the central theme of this work is the artist’s identity. The figure, presumably Tanaami, has either a featureless face or one obscured by sunglasses, making any expression indiscernible. The blank face and the surface of the sunglasses are filled with men and women evoking American characters and movie scenes, and the figure is encircled by female nudes. Employing irony and Pop style to convey a selfhood shaped by an image-saturated society, this work is premised on Tanaami’s idea that all printed materials are original works, and was initially released as a book in a print run of 2,000 copies. This replication and dissemination of his own portrait can be called a creative manifesto by Tanaami, an artist keenly attuned to the zeitgeist and embracing various disciplines.